Jaden Garza –Work, Journey, and More

Founder of Nomad Internet

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Jaden Garza, thefounder and CEO of Nomad Internet. What inspired me to create Nomad Internet?
The pressing issue of the digital divide affecting travelers and rural
communities. Despite numerous government promises, these connectivity problems
remain unresolved. I wanted to bridge this gap, and thus, Nomad Internet was

In 2017, my wife Jessica and I conceived the idea of providingreliable internet to people across the United States, including those in rural
areas, remote villages, and RV parks. We aimed to be catalysts for change, and
our journey began fueled by a mission to revolutionize connectivity.

However, this journey wasn't easy. The path of an entrepreneur isoften tough. Achieving success requires significant effort and sacrifice. If
anyone claims they were born to be an entrepreneur, it's simply not true.

I, Jaden Garza,an entrepreneur, a tech visionary, and the founder and CEO of Nomad Internet,
want to share my entrepreneurial journey with you. It wasn't a smooth ride. I
experienced my share of ups and downs, setbacks, and successes.

You're listening to someone who botched his company's fundraisingefforts by not taking them seriously. I treated it like a fashion parade and
didn't prepare well for my pitch. There were numerous hiccups, failures, and
unmet goals. Financial issues affected my reputation, strained relationships,
and lowered morale.

But I had one enduring quality: I never gave up. Despite all thechallenges, I kept telling myself, "Don't back off, boy! Keep going until
you get what you want."

In the early years of my company, I realized I needed to change myapproach. To achieve success, I had to take things seriously and cultivate a
growth mindset. This mindset not only drove me to success but also inspired my

Reflecting and learning have been crucial aspects of my journey.When I failed to secure solid fundraising, I realized I needed to learn first
and then act. This honest introspection and self-assessment helped me position
myself better.

Even when competitors were tough, I didn't lose heart. I sought newopportunities, explored untapped resources, and eventually led my company ahead
of the competition.

Since then, it's been a journey I'll always cherish. If someone asksme to describe my entrepreneurial journey in one sentence, I'd say: embrace a
growth mindset, reflect on your actions, learn from mistakes, seek support,
adapt, pivot, and stay resilient.

Sources and References

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