Jaden Garza’s Company Fundraising Story

In a previous blog article, I discussed how, when it came tonarrating the story of my company's product during the fundraising process, I made a huge mistake. But that wasn't the only thing. The narrative is not over yet.

I asked for more than was acceptable, I concentrated on what was important to me alone, I approached it like a beauty pageant, and I was also a bit dishonest. As time went on and I began to feel embarrassed by one investor, then another, and so on, I realized I had made a serious mistake.

I was aware that it was time to make some changes, to take thingsmore seriously than previously, and to rearrange the situation. That's what I carried out. I fulfill my promises. However, I won't be discussing that topic today. Instead, listen to the tale of how my business, Nomad Internet, raised

Hence, I wasn't much of an entrepreneur in the past. Nobody is. Do not believe a word if someone tells you that they have a natural talent for being an entrepreneur, business magnate, or anything else since they were young. Na na. Nobody is an entrepreneur by nature. Everyone makes errors,
including myself.

However, my gaffes were sort of funny. I giggle when I look back, especially at myself. Since I was the one accountable for everything. Who, after all, overlooks the fundamentals of a fund raising arrangement? Yes, I did. Who judges a fundraising event like a pageant? Yes, I did. I concentrated on the sparkliest portion rather than the most productive.

Who is unclear about anything pertaining to your company ideas or who has reservations regarding their ideas? Yes, I also made a mistake here. I didn't fully understand the circumstances around my business concepts. "In the future, would you be able to for this?" inquired one astute investor.
"Um, no, yes, I haven't thought about it yet, sir," was my response. What a stupid response it was. Be explicit at the very least.

Who thinks that investors are affluent and will readily contributeto my venture? Yes, I did. The wealth of investors is substantial. Extremely affluent, not simply wealthy. But in addition to their money, they also have sound financial judgment. They have ninja-like financial tracking skills. They
keep track of everything, including where they invest and how much they spend.

Who thinks you can approach any investor with your company proposal?Yes, I did. That was a grave mistake. I used to approach every investor I saw with my company concept. But it doesn't operate like that. It's true that this stuff has a niche as well. You must as certain which investors are likely to be interested in your firm and which are not before you make your presentation. Sort through and proceed from there.

I've made a number of blunders in the past when trying to raisemoney for my business. Positively, I've also gained a lot of knowledge. I fixed every error I committed. I am therefore able to state with pride that my business is currently one of the greatest behemoths in the online sector.

The basic line is this: while your firm is soliciting money tobegin, never be overconfident, haughty, or uninformed. Remain modest and carry on. You will succeed if you never give up. The only one like you, Jaden Garza. À bientôt.

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