Jaden Garza and Nomad Internet – How it Started?

Jaden Garza Nomad Internet

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Jaden Garza and Nomad Internet are not just the names of a person ora company. Rather it’s a business story. A story that had its fair share of ups and downs. A story that’s more successful than it can be.

2017 was the time when Nomad Internet, a long due ideation that Jaden Garza had in his mind, took off the ground.

The story behind starting Nomad Internet was something special. Jaden Garza and his wife Jessica Garza, as attentive to details as they are, noticed that the internet’s reality in the United States is not something that people are aware of. There’s a larger reality to what there is. What there’s on the ground.

The internet conditions were laughable. Whether it’s Wi-Fi in the internet park, in the rural areas, at remote locations, or in an isolated town – things were quite concerning.

And that was when the cue, the spark emerged. Both Jaden and Jessica decided to bring in the internet technology to people who wanted it. And just internet technology but better internet technology than it’s there in the United States.

Tireless commitment is what was needed to get this done. And Jaden was ready for it. He didn’t have much support from the investors but still, he never gave up. He wasn’t ready to accept the fact that only some people in the United States are able to access the internet, but the rest of the people are still devoid of it. He never wanted to settle for this. He wanted to change things. Bring about a revolution.

And that’s when it all started. Johnson City, Texas was the place. Jaden’s Nomad Internet got their first project off the ground and installed the Wi-Fi in an RV park. Although the RV park already had a Wi-Fi connection, it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t optimum to handle multiple connections and the performance wasn’t good.

The installation was successful and from there on the business wenton, up and running, and growing. Year after another, Nomad Internet became a mainstay in the Internet services industry. It further became popular when Jaden Garza went all in into the rural internet services.

The vision was to provide internet services to people living inrural areas, and isolated towns. To people who travel a lot and don’t where they can end up so that they have internet with them no matter in what corner of the United States they are in. And this visionof Jaden Garza was well-perceived.
